A week off

So Covid isn’t pleasant. I had hoped to shake off the symptoms by midweek and be able to maintain my streak by cramming all my workouts into the last few days of the week. My body had other ideas.

I still feel like I’m coming out of it, and so decided to rest. Like properly rest. So that I didn’t rush back to my usual full life and end up getting ill again (or staying ill).

Hoping to be back on it next week and to pick up where I left off, but Covid does make you feel like your lung capacity reduces. So let’s see if I might need to ease back in…

A week off

Week 7: longest streak yet, and then…

The next badge you can get on Freeletics after a seven week streak is for ten weeks. There I was, sweating yesterday after completing my seventh consecutive week of coach workouts, committing to getting that 10-week badge, and then…

I tested positive for Covid-19. I’d been feeling a bit foggy-headed, and had some cold symptoms, but I’d been to the pub the night before and thought maybe I was just a bit hungover. I pushed myself to do my Friday workout and carried on with my day. It was only this morning (Saturday) when I still felt like shit and tested before travelling to see family that those two lines appeared on the lateral flow.

Don’t feel too bad though – just a bit low energy and groggy. Hoping it’s not going to drag on too long. I’m already plotting to see if I could still maintain my streak by exercising later in the week.

But for now the priority is to rest and get better. More important to look after my health. Sigh.

Week 7: longest streak yet, and then…

Week 6: Half way through

Half way through this Freeletics journey and so far I haven’t missed a workout. Feeling good about that.

Next week things change. I’ve been on a regular cycle of runs on Monday and Wednesday and a HIIT on Friday. Next week has some conditioning exercises on Monday (progression to stand ups, an interval workout and some jumps) and then I’ve got a 3.5km run on Wednesday and a fast interval run on Friday.

Determined to keep consistent. I almost missed a workout on Friday morning because I was tired after a long week, but pushed through and was thankful for it afterwards (I think the workout actually gave me energy).


Week 6: Half way through

Week 5: Hitting my stride

Photo by Juliano Ferreira on Pexels.com

I got the badge! My first 5-week streak of perfect weeks on Freeletics. Achieved. I’ve been doing Freeletics for over six years now and I have periods of consistency, but they tend to be sporadic. There’s something this time about how I’ve structured my routine that means I’m consistently training. And it’s got to the point now where I really don’t want to break the streak.

I trained again on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and did a run, an interval run, and a HIIT workout again. I’m marking my runs as not being difficult enough, and this week (week 6), the distance and intensity have increased a little.

I’m also noticing that I’m feeling like I have more energy, that I am a bit more flexible and I’ve lost a couple of kilos too. I’m still doing intermittent fasting for most of the week and that’s proving really helpful. I’m sleeping better because I’m not going to bed trying to digest food and alcohol.

So all, in all, it’s going great. Feeling proud of myself.

Will hopefully be writing again next week having done another perfect week…

Week 5: Hitting my stride