Easing back in

Photo by S Migaj on Pexels.com

I still felt a bit wiped out on Monday this week after spending the previous week laying low from Covid-19. I was hoping to pick up my routine and head out for a run, but my body had other ideas so I didn’t exercise.

On Wednesday I felt up to it, so I ran. I was going to adapt the coach session to an easier run, but in the end I thought I’d just go for it, so I did a 4km run and it was absolutely fine. I even quite enjoyed it.

So then on Friday I continued with a 1km run followed by an interval run, and that was fine too. So I guess I’m back on it again.

Next week I have some progression exercises, including progression to handstand walk. I think I can fairly confidentally say that I won’t ever be able to do that, but hey, let’s give it a go. The first step is plank shoulder taps.

I also have Metis next week, which means the dreaded burpees.

Anyway, it feels good to be back in the saddle. Just a shame I lost that seven week streak 😦

Easing back in

Week 7: longest streak yet, and then…

The next badge you can get on Freeletics after a seven week streak is for ten weeks. There I was, sweating yesterday after completing my seventh consecutive week of coach workouts, committing to getting that 10-week badge, and then…

I tested positive for Covid-19. I’d been feeling a bit foggy-headed, and had some cold symptoms, but I’d been to the pub the night before and thought maybe I was just a bit hungover. I pushed myself to do my Friday workout and carried on with my day. It was only this morning (Saturday) when I still felt like shit and tested before travelling to see family that those two lines appeared on the lateral flow.

Don’t feel too bad though – just a bit low energy and groggy. Hoping it’s not going to drag on too long. I’m already plotting to see if I could still maintain my streak by exercising later in the week.

But for now the priority is to rest and get better. More important to look after my health. Sigh.

Week 7: longest streak yet, and then…