Getting real about drinking


Yesterday I watched a documentary on BBC iPlayer that Adrian Chiles made about his drinking. More specifically about how if you’re a regular social drinker, it’s not really seen to be a problem. You know, a few pints here, a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, big nights out at the weekend.

I’ve massively cut back on my drinking over the past few years. I’m much more moderate and don’t often drink to get drunk, which I used to do when I was in my twenties. But I definitely identified with Chiles, particularly around how drinking is such a social lubricant (“alcohol is the only drug you apologise for not taking”).

It made me download the Drink Aware app, and to start logging my drinking, in a bid to cut down. I have to say I think the 14 units recommendation is a little draconian. That really isn’t very much alcohol in a week. But I’m going to see what it’s like to try and stick to it. Because I know I don’t want to give up drinking. I enjoy it. I like wine. I enjoy trying unusual cocktails or tasting whisky. And I’m able to stop. So perhaps massively reducing the amount I drink will help me enjoy it more.

I had to work last night (a Saturday), so I after watching the documentary I was thinking that I wouldn’t drink after I finished work. But true to form I caved immediately. And ended up going out until about 2am. Strong work. Although I didn’t drink a huge amount and I stayed clear of beer.

But this morning I wasn’t about to let myself off the hook, so I went to the park and trained. It was the final workout of my Coach week – Ares. A quick workout so it wasn’t too painful. I replaced the pull-ups with jumping pull-ups though. Not quite there yet.

There was a little kid with his grandma in the park. About five years old. He came over and wanted to chat. Asking me what I was doing. Peering at my screen as Coach counted down from 5. Was a bit distracting, but kind of cute. He asked if he could join in!

Later today, after training, I cycled to the swimming pool and managed 42 lengths (I do two more every time I go). I hadn’t really eaten much so was pretty tired by the end. Rewarded myself with a massive bowl of salads and quiche from my favourite cafe near the pool.

It’s also nice to have my bike back. It’s been broken for a while, so I’ve been getting the bus and walking everywhere. Today I cycled for over half an hour just getting from A to B.

So actually I’m pretty pleased with my slightly hungover Sunday. Lots of physical stuff. And I went to someone’s birthday drinks just now and didn’t drink, and it was FINE. Didn’t even feel like I needed to.

Always feels nice when you have a good start to the new week/month. Hoping I can keep up the good work.

Getting real about drinking

Making progress…

This week I’ve being reflecting a bit on how far I’ve come since starting Freeletics nearly two years ago. Sometimes when you’re faced with Aphrodite again, it’s hard to step back. When I started I could barely get through the warm-up without getting sweaty.

Here are the things I’ve noticed this week

  1. When I’m cycling now I notice I have more power in my legs. I can go faster for longer and I find hills much easier
  2. I feel more flexible
  3. I actually look forward to working out most days
  4. I drink more water
  5. I eat better – less sugar, more vegetables, less saturated fats and processed food
  6. My body shape is more in proportion. I feel more attractive.
  7. I have stronger arms and can carry heavier weights
  8. I can almost 
  9. I have more defined abs and pecs
  10. I have more energy
  11. I am able to apply the stamina developed through Freeletics workouts to other parts of my life

And here’s a progress photo to show how I’m doing…

Making progress…

I bit the bullet: Hell Week Day #1

After much deliberation yesterday, this morning I woke up early and decided to just get on with Hell Week. If I have to take a couple of days break while I’m travelling, then so be it.

First up was Uranos and Krios.

I have a confession about Uranos. I don’t do the running bit. I cycle to work and back every day so get plenty of cardio and I really, really hate running. I did the running in Uranos once, so I know my time. I just set the workout going and do the warm up during the time when I would be running. Naughty, I know. And I also know that cycling and running use very different muscles.

I was hungry and hadn’t eaten anything yet, so Uranos was a bit difficult and I didn’t beat my PB. Was knackered at the end, but decided to push on with Krios as I knew it wouldn’t take very long.

And now I feel fantastic. I’ve done two workouts before 9am and it’s given me an energy boost and put me in a great mood. Must. Remember. This. Feeling.

I bit the bullet: Hell Week Day #1

Kronos: OUCH

15684e3b79b2e21a16997f3b62d9578eI did my first Kronos almost a week ago and I still hurt. Jeez, that work-out is surely one of the toughest of the lot.

There’s something about having to do the full number of each exercise in one go rather than it being split into reps. It really pushes you.

Here’s the breakdown of what Kronos puts you through:

100 Pushups
200 Situps
300 Squats
200 Straight Leg Lever
100 Pullups

I completed it in 01:03:48. The sense of achievement when I finished was amazing.

The thing is, it’s not too unpleasant (there are no burpees for a start!) and once you get into the swing of each exercise it’s not too bad. I found the sit-ups the easiest, followed by Pushups, Squats, Straight Leg Lever and then the pull-ups the hardest.

I didn’t do the pull-ups with correct form. I still can’t (although the daily jumping pull-ups are making them feel a little more possible at some point in the future).

What’s great about Kronos is that it works out your arms, chest, legs and abs all at the same time. And damn, I could feel it for the next couple of days. Walking down stairs after 300 squats was pretty painful.

And then yesterday, after a few days off and a swim on Saturday (which was really tough as my legs and arms were so tired!) I did the horror that is 3x Metis (Strength). Ugh. Was hard and I was a bit hungover and tired, so didn’t come close to beating my PB.

About half way through, when I knew I wasn’t going to beat my PB, I almost gave up, but there’s something that switches in my brain when I’m over 50% done – it suddenly seems so much more manageable, and I think about how I’d feel if I stopped, so I manage to power through.

All of this, combined with a load of cycling around town meant that I slept very well last night!

Meanwhile, friends I haven’t seen for a while are regularly commenting on the change in my physique. And I’m feeling stronger than I ever have.



Kronos: OUCH