Strength in Numbers?

Image: Freeletics

Today was my first workout in almost a week, after being away on holiday. And man, was that tough.

It was Kentauros (Standard). And I couldn’t get anywhere outside today so I did the 2×2 version. 2x 20m Lunge walks replaced by 40 Lunges; 2 x 20m Burpee Frog replaced with Burpees. Despite wanting to give up half way through, and sweating an AWFUL lot, I made it.

I also tried to take it slowly – seeing as I’d never done it before, it might make it easier to beat my PB next time – and to make sure that I did good form. I still find burpees really hard, but my form is getting much better and the movement much more fluid. I’m also finding I can do them more quickly. Kentauros makes you do 240 of the bloody things. I was cursing the app before I was even half way through.

I tend to check how quickly other people have done the workout before I start, and then decide what time I’m aiming for (usually I try to just not come bottom!). So if you’re on Freeletics, but haven’t followed many people, I’d recommend having a look at the Freeletics Reddit and following a few people who have posted on there. In particular, look for posts where people are searching for people to follow.

It really helps me to see other people’s struggles and successes and it’s always a boost when you get a #clapclap, even if it’s from someone you’ve never met. I’ve yet to workout in a group. I tend to get into a zone when I’m working out and can’t really see how I’d do it with others. Do people do the same workouts? Or do you just crack on with your own coach workout but with others doing the same nearby? Either way, I wouldn’t mind if the guys in the picture above came along and worked cheered me on..

Anyway, today I wanted to do Kentauros in under an hour, or more specifically under 58 minutes, which was the bottom score on the people I follow.. And I did. 53 minutes. BOOM.

I drank quite a lot on holiday. Not good for the belly. I’ve now adjusted MyFitnessPal’s Carbs/Protein/Fat percentage goals to 45/30/25% respectively. Seems like this is the thing to watch, rather than overall calories.


Seems that Freeletics are launching a new Freeletics Gym app this week. Have to say I find this a bit confusing. Isn’t the whole thing about freedom from having to have a gym membership/weights/machines etc. Hence the name?

Personally I like the way that Freeletics is helping me gain a body shape that is in proportion – in a way that I find people who use gyms don’t have (either arms that are too big, or chest, or legs. In fact, hardly ever legs – people tend to hate leg day, don’t they).


Strength in Numbers?

I reached week 10 of Freeletics, and I feel great


I’ve been really getting into my groove again with Freeletics in the past few days. I’m going on holiday tomorrow and I’m almost disappointed I won’t be in routine. Might have to do a couple of work-outs over the weekend.

But anyway, I’ve done three days back-to-back and I feel absolutely fucking great.

First up was Venus. Venus is a pretty simple workout – just pushups, squats and sit-ups. I beat my PB, but my skinny arms were struggling with the pushups towards the end. I really need to work on my arms to master pushups and pull-ups. When I was in the gym at the weekend, this toned guy came in and did about 25 pushups really quickly. He made it look so easy – I make it look like a big old sweaty mess. However, I do always notice a difference in my physique when I do push-ups. Particularly my chest and shoulders.

The next day was Apollon. I did this in the wrong order because I was at the gym and couldn’t switch between burpees, squats and running easily. So I did all the burpees and squats first (skipping through the running on the app) and then did the full 2.4km on the treadmill at the end. Slightly cheating maybe,  but I actually really enjoyed the running. Had a massive endorphin rush at the end. And then I went and bought loads of healthy food. Was a good day.

Then finally I had to do 2xAthena, 100 Burpees, 50 Squats, 50 Squats and another 50 burpees in one day. Usually I cheat a bit and split these over a couple of days, but yesterday I got up early on a Monday morning, did the 2xAthena, which was quite nice (when I say ‘nice’ I mean it didn’t completely destroy me). Then when I got home from work I did the burpees and squats.

I really tried to pace myself with the burpees – not rushing at the beginning and trying to keep a steady pace and not collapsing for 30 seconds half way through. It feels much better to go slowly and not break.

And now I feel pumped. My legs are noticeably more muscular, my arms feel great and I’m feeling simultaneously energetic and tired (but in a good way).

And in stats, I’ve done

525 Squats
225 Burpees
200 Pushups
155 Situps
75 Climbers
2.4km run

I think I deserve a holiday!

Oh, and I promised you a progress photo, so here you go. (And yeah, I know the lighting is more favourable in the right hand photo, but still…)

March Progress

I reached week 10 of Freeletics, and I feel great

A few notes from the last two weeks, and some thoughts on nutrition


It’s been a while since I wrote. I’ve still been on it, but I’ve been finding it much harder, and particularly hard to stick to good nutrition.

And also I’ve noticed a bit of a slow-down in my body transformation. I’m still feeling and looking pretty toned, but I think by week 10 of the programme I’d thought I’d see a more radical transformation. I guess not being super strict on number of work-outs per week, and by not sticking to a strict nutrition guide means that it makes a real transformation more tricky. I’m on holiday in the second half of next week, so I’m going to cut myself some slack, but then get back on it in a big way in the week after next.

But anyway, what have I been up to?

I won’t go into details of each work-out – here are some quick thoughts from the past two weeks:

  • Squats really burn if you don’t stretch out properly afterwards
  • I still find push-ups hard – can’t do them fast. Need to work on my arms. Hopefully that’ll make pull-ups easier too
  • I’m getting much better at burpees. Even enjoy them sometimes.
  • Warming up and stretching really do make you get better and make the work-outs easier
  • I am still regularly beating my PBs, which feels really good.

I’m still pretty evangelical about Freeletics. I think it really is the best fitness app. I love the competitive edge, I love the tailored training, I love feeling like I’m part of a community.

I see from an email yesterday that they’re planning new apps, alongside running. I reckon one of them will be nutrition, which should be cool. I’m gradually thinking that maybe I do want to download the nutrition guide.

I find it hard to cut out carbs, I still drink too much, and I’m probably not drinking enough water. I might start with a few recipes from Joe Wick’s Lean in 15 and see how I get on.

Tonight it’s steak, sweet potato chips and salad. Yum.

Oh, and I know I still haven’t done a progress photo. Will do next time after Apollon.

(pic from United Breast Cancer Foundation)


A few notes from the last two weeks, and some thoughts on nutrition

Pacing, a swim and pizza


5419592353_3f706442d2_bSo I did my 3x Metis Strength. It wasn’t so bad. It was tough, but okay.

And in my notes for next week, Coach reminded me to think about pacing. Not to start too fast, or even better to start slow and speed up towards the end.

Next week my challenge is to beat 3 PBs. Gonna smash it.

I went for a swim today. Haven’t been for ages. Noticed I had more stamina and could swim faster. Thanks Freeletics!

Then after all that exercise, I had a day off. Currently eating pizza and drinking red wine on the sofa. Happy Saturday.

Back on it tomorrow.

Pacing, a swim and pizza

Coach: Renewed

Sweet enough already. Photo: Hozey on Flickr

Well, Freeletics must be doing something for me. Although I’m only on Week 9 of Coach, my 15-week subscription ran out today. It was a surprise that when I opened the app it asked me to do the basic fitness test. Had a panic that all my workouts had been lost. I’d say that you should probably be prompted that it’s about to run out before it does, but anyway.

I renewed for a whole 12 months. £1.13 per week. Less that half the price of a coffee.

Speaking of coffee – I went to the dentist yesterday. Good dental hygiene, he said. But that I should watch out on sugar intake. One can hardly turn the news on in the UK at the moment without some warning about sugar. So, starting from this morning, I’m completely cutting out sugar in coffee, and once I’m used to that I’m going to look elsewhere in my diet.

It’s all very well counting calories, but if part of your intake is a chocolate bar mid-afternoon, every afternoon, something’s got to change. So maybe I’ll cut that out too.

Back on it tonight. My glutes really ache after Kentauros the other day. I’ve also just noticed that my next workout is 3xMetis (Strength). Ouch.

Coach: Renewed