Kicking those bad habits

If I could eat this every day, I would. Photo by Peter Bravo de los Rios on Unsplash

I think I’m starting to use this blog as some kind of accountability tool. Here I am again, after a weekend of eating and drinking a little much, blogging that I feel behind on Freeletics. That I didn’t run at the weekend. That I missed a workout on Friday. Blah Blah.

But then I did run twice and workout twice. So that’s not all bad. But weekends do seem to be one big blow-out at the moment. Me and my partner behaving like Friday night to Sunday night is one big treat day. Snacks. High calorie food. Not much exercise. Too much alcohol.

So I think next week I’m going to try harder to eat better. Less shit food, get out in the fresh air (it’s going to be a bit warmer too). And maybe cool off on the booze, as that’s what derails me.

Meanwhile in Freeletics-world I’ve been adapting a few of the sessions as I don’t have a box to jump over (it’s frustrating becasue they seem to be pushing those exercises and I live in a tiny flat). And the cardio has been tiring me out, but that always feels good. Lots of leg-work last week which, coupled with running, made my quads ache!

Today I have a 1.5km run and some pistol squats (which I’m getting much better at!). And then on Wednesday it’s Orpheus and Negative Handstand Pushups (which not only can I not do, I also don’t have space in my flat to do them properly, so that’s another switch-out).

I hope I write again next week having stuck to everything I’ve just written. Let’s see.

Kicking those bad habits

New exercises I can’t do (yet)

Photo by Atle Mo on Unsplash

I had a couple of good runs last week. One 5km run that I kept a good pace throughout and a slightly shorter one just to get outside and feel the fresh air. I also did a couple of Freeletics workouts. Missed doing a longer run at the weekend – really need to get back into that habit – but I did do a long-ish walk with a friend so got well over 10,000 steps in yesterday.

There have been a couple of Freeletics exercises that have cropped up that I’m nowhere near being able to do. One is the thing where you do a handstand against a wall and then do a kind of push up with your hands on the floor (can’t find the exact name in the app at the moment). I just don’t have the strength (or the space in my tiny flat) to do it. Also the new exercises using boxes – I don’t have a box I can use and my flat is too small so I keep having to adapt those sessions. Need to find a different solution… But I am glad that there are some new exercises coming up – it keeps things interesting. And the cardio journey I’m on is still feeling invigorating and like I’m making progress.

Although I haven’t shifted any of the extra weight I put on over Christmas yet. I think I’m still eating/drinking a little too much.

New exercises I can’t do (yet)