Actually doing a proper push-up

This is not me. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

So in a bid to get back on track, I’ve been trying to do Freeletics exercises with correct form. I realised that quite often I’m just racing through workouts to try and get them done.

I tried this men’s health pushup routine this week that aims to build your chest. It’s tough. And that led me to realise that my push-up form was sloppy.

I tend to let my whole lower body touch the floor, meaning that when I push back up I’m only really lifting my upper body as I’m able to push my lower body up itself.

I re-watched the Freeletics instruction video and then did 10 with correct form. Knees and hips not touching the floor. It’s hard! But feels like I’m actually making a difference.

So that’s my week – correcting a form that I’ve been getting wrong for years.

Actually doing a proper push-up