It’s just common sense, right?

I happened across a video on YouTube today by this guy who runs an account called MacroLean. It was a fairly stinging take down of The Body Coach, especially ‘healthy fats’ and his assertion that 15 minute HIIT sessions will get you a body like an Adonis.

It’s so hard to know who to believe these days. Should you count calories? Should you not bother? What can you eat and what can’t you eat? Gym or bodyweight.

I watched a couple of his other videos, including a take-down of Slimming World, which a few of my friends have done and got good results.

By then I could feel myself going into a rabbit hole, so I went and made a roast dinner.

To be honest, I can’t be bothered to count calories. I think as long as you eat mainly whole foods and not processed crap, and you don’t overeat, you’ll lose weight/get lean. Combine that with strength exercises and cardio and you’re onto a winner.

But I know next to nothing about all that. Only what I read or watch on the internet.

In other news, went for a swim today. First time in ages. Also did Freeletics on Friday and felt great afterwards. Had a few people comment on me ‘looking good’ recently, which feels nice 🙂

It’s just common sense, right?

Aphrodite (again)

Finally felt back on form today, so pushed myself to train, even after a really long day at work.

I’ve been stuck in the same coach week for three weeks, and the final day was the full Aphrodite (Standard). To be honest, I probably could have picked the week back up sooner, but I was finding the prospect of today’s training pretty daunting.

I last did Aphrodite (Standard) 8 months ago. All those Burpees, all those squats and sit ups. Ouch.

But actually once I got into it, I kind of found my groove. I think my arms are stronger than they used to be, so the Burpees are a bit easier. I was ahead on the PB by about 2 minutes half way through and managed to maintain that until the end.

And blimey, it felt good to get through it. The thing I like about that workout is the declines repetitions in each set. So the difficulty decreases and it feels more possible the further through the workout.

Anyway, week completed at last. Onto the next week, which looks a bit more manageable.

Aphrodite (again)

Under the weather

Just as I was getting back into my Freeletics groove, I’ve been struck down by some weird virus/bug. It’s one of those woolly headed, sore throat, headache kind of bugs. I’m lethargic and tired and have been sleeping a lot. And not exercising beyond cycling to work and trying to keep to my daily pull-ups.

It’s annoying because I want to be doing my training, but don’t have the energy. And I feel like if I push myself to do it (the next workout being Aphrodite again btw), I’d be using up vital energy that I need to get back on form.

So for now, it’s laying low for me. Hoping it’ll be gone by the weekend…

Under the weather