First glimpses of spring and a perfect week

Photo by Simon Berger on

Spring is beginning to make itself known, and this week was my first full week after Covid. Three workouts – Metis, a bodyweight interval session and a 4km run. I’m just back from the run and it felt good, despite choosing a route that included quite a lot of uphill running and having to cross a main road. Side note – it would be good to be able to pause Freeletics runs, in the same way you can do on Strava, so that when you’re waiting for traffic your clock isn’t still ticking.

Other highlights this week included being able to do perfect form assisted pistol squats, which I haven’t done for ages and thought I’d be rubbish at, and finding Metis way more difficult than I remember. I did it much slower than I’ve been used to, but I’m not beating myself up about that.

I find that Covid has meant that I have a bit less lung capacity than I before. Trying not to let that worry me, but I do notice I am more out of breath more quickly, so I’m building back up more slowly.

Next week I have a 4.5km run and some interval stuff, including some sprints which I’m looking forward to and will be a good test of recovery.

First glimpses of spring and a perfect week

A week off

So Covid isn’t pleasant. I had hoped to shake off the symptoms by midweek and be able to maintain my streak by cramming all my workouts into the last few days of the week. My body had other ideas.

I still feel like I’m coming out of it, and so decided to rest. Like properly rest. So that I didn’t rush back to my usual full life and end up getting ill again (or staying ill).

Hoping to be back on it next week and to pick up where I left off, but Covid does make you feel like your lung capacity reduces. So let’s see if I might need to ease back in…

A week off